Created by Ken and Ruth Finlayson in 1984, we began as Social Club Books with the aim of supplying great books at low prices. Today, we focus solely on children's titles, which allows us to pass on incredible savings to customers old and new. We understand the incredible impact reading can have in the early years of life and that's why we source the very best children's books at the best price so that all children have the opportunity to create a life-long love of reading and learning.

Now with young grandchildren of our own, we love seeing the impact sharing stories can have with little ones and the way they can spark imagination and connection like nothing else.

Enjoy up to 75 percent off RRP on our book bundles, each featuring classic titles adored by children aged from 0 to 5 years.


We are a family owned business and have built our reputation on strong customer service and reliability.  Our head office is in Melbourne, Australia.

A favourite with Kindergarten and Preschool Teachers who recognise quality and value, we are the number one stop for Christmas gifts for kindergartens and child care centres.